영어로 번역해주실분,,,ㅠ

[Completed in May 1937, the iconic Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, with a total length of 2,789 meters, is famous as a tourist attraction thanks to its magnificent view blending with nature. However, it has gone through as many twists and turns as its massive size and time.
Particularly, the currents beneath the Golden Gate Bridge are notoriously stronger than other places, and the wind also blows heavily, leading to many accidents during construction. As a result, an astonishing 23 workers fell and died in just one year during the construction period. Many people claimed that construction was impossible due to the complex terrain and rough currents, but the prediction was overturned, and it was completed in just four years.
The secret to the Golden Gate Bridge being completed earlier than planned is thanks to the safety net created to prevent accidents caused by strong winds. The installed safety net reportedly saved the lives of 19 workers. In addition, the construction progressed about 20% faster than before the net was installed, as workers could focus on their work, knowing that there was a net to catch them if they fell.
The safety indifference of the San Francisco Golden Gate Bridge does not suddenly occur one day. Like clothes gradually getting wet in a drizzle, it begins when both the company and workers fail to keep their promise for safety. Safety is extremely important as it is linked to life. It would be great if we could work together to prevent any more safety accidents.
The construction of the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco was indeed a monumental task. The bridge, which has become an iconic symbol of the city, had its fair share of construction accidents. However, with the introduction of safety nets, the number of accidents was significantly reduced. The safety nets not only provided protection for the workers but also increased their efficiency as they could work without fear of falling.
However, the issue of safety indifference arises when the commitment to safety is not upheld by both the company and the workers. Safety is not something to be taken lightly as it is intrinsically tied to life. Hence, it is crucial that all parties involved in such large-scale projects prioritize safety to prevent any more accidents from happening.]
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